Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pink or blue...???

We have been waiting for this day since we found out we were expecting #3. Our doctor's office makes you wait until you are 20 weeks before they do THE ultrasound. So, yes - we were counting down the days. When we first looked the baby was curled up tight in the fetal position. It didn't take long before there was a ton of movement! Almost right away he turned and we discovered there will be another boy in our family!
They did all sorts of measurements to rule out abnormalities, deformities, etc. He is an active, healthy and LARGE baby. They are thinking that maybe they misjudged his due date. I am supposed to be 20 weeks, but he measured about 22 weeks. At this time, they are not going to change the due date, but will keep a close eye on him as he grows. They are guessing he will come along around October 23rd as opposed to November 1st (although the c-section is scheduled for October 26th).
All my boys are excited and I am relieved to be able to refer to the baby an "him" instead of "it".
Now, names....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nana and Papa's 60th Anniversary Dinner

It was so nice seeing everyone.

Especially out-of-towners.

Jake looks slightly scared here...

Don't I have a beautiful Mother!?!

I believe this was during the lemon wars :)