Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Firstborn

Jacob is 8 today! Last night we had our neighbor's (who we are so blessed to have as our friends) little boy over for a sleepover. I REALLY don't know how Anthony's Mom did it...

The living room was transformed into a great mass of sheets, blankets, ropes and furniture. We had cotton candy and gatorade, rented Wall-E and Space Chimps. All set, right...?

Well...around 12:15ish, Jacob and Zeek walked into our bedroom just as I was dozing off (I wondered for a moment if Anthony's snoring had woken them). Bright eyed and bushy tailed, they asked me if they could just stay up since they weren't tired at all.

I sighed and I smiled (sleepovers are new to me!) and told them that it was definitely time for bed. About thirty minutes later they were quiet and still. When they actually dozed off, I am not sure...

Silly Mommy assumed they would sleep at least a little later than usual, but to no avail. At 6:30 they were pupmed and ready to go. We all marched out of our bedroom (Eli had decided to come sleep w/us sometime in the early a.m.) and sang Happy Birthday to Jacob.

Thankfully, the neighbors decided they wanted to have us over for breakfast, so we went on over to a FEAST and Jacob got his first birthday gift.

In a moment, I will be loading the boys in the car so that Eli will fall asleep and Jake and I can take a siesta too, before the rest of the planned festivities start.